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Billy Big Rock
America's Cleanest & Brightest Midway
Rider Safety
Safety at Big Rock Safety at Big Rock Safety at Big Rock Safety at Big Rock

Safety is our Number 1 Priority

Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our guests.  From the president of our company all the way down to our operations staff, we put a great emphasis on safety on a day to day basis.  After setup and before opening each day, our rides are inspected first by our management and staff with the aid of an inspection checklist that is specific for each piece of equipment that we own.  In addition to our internal inspections, our rides and attractions are also inspected by state, local and third party inspectors. Big Rock employs several certified inspectors as well as one of our own management team, being an instructor at safety forums. 

During the winter months, our equipment is fully inspected and refurbished at our winter quarters facility.  It is at this facility that rides are completely rebuilt from the ground up including electrical, mechanical, and cosmetic improvements.  Our mechanics and electricians will look over each individual ride and perform the proper maintenance procedure required.  After all mechanical and electrical components are refurbished, rides in need of paint are sandblasted, premiered, and then painted and sometimes even powder coated.

Tips For Having a Safe Day at the Carnival

  • Walk, dont run on the midway.
  • Check posted height requirements before purchasing tickets.  You can check what rides you can ride based on your height here.
  • If your child is unsure of what the ride does, watch it before riding.  Manytimes, ride videos can be found within the attractions section of our web site.
  • Never force a child to ride an attraction that they do not want to.
  • Sit, do not stand while riding.
  • Make use of ride restraints - assure that lap bars, shoulder harnesses, and seat belts are snug against your body.
  • Do not run on ride decks.
  • Keep all hands, arms, and feet inside the ride vehicle at all times.
  • Use common sense!

Carnival Safety Video


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